Has anyone been to the People to People student Ambassador program?
I received a letter about 3 days ago. It's say i can go to England, France, Germany,Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland inn the summer of 2009. for 20 days. Has anyone been on the trip? I heard it's a long process of getting into this program. Is it worth to go to this trip and how much did cost about? Thanks.
Embassies & Consulates - 3 Answers
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1 :
My daughter was involved a few years ago. it's a good program, but it's expensive.
2 :
took my 11 year old daughter to their 'informative' meeting because no one would discuss the cost with me. As it turns out, the tuition for the Australia program is some $5,200 plus approx $800 for additional transportation, spending money, passports, etc. As I only work full-time at a clerical job, I had to inform my daughter we couldn't afford it after their presentation showed how much fun she would be missing. We weren't alone; I saw quite a few teary-eyed children on the way out - no doubt they also belonged to working-class families who couldn't afford the trip. My beef is the way they absolutely refuse to discuss costs until after their fluffy presentation. They should pre-screen the applicants according to household income as it certainly is a (maybe THE) deciding factor. It is so hard on the lower income children to get all psyched up just to hear 'No, we cannot afford it'. It is a program for the priviledged and wealthy, not the everyday gifted child, and they should advertise it as such.
3 :
Hey umm I cant really answer your question but I got that People to People letter in the mail did you happen to get the "European Heritage"? Because you have the same listed areas as I do.
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