Anyone know about the People to People Student Ambassador program?
I got an invitation to travel to England, France, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland, and Belgium. I was wondering if anyone else knows about this or got an invite or has experiences it in the past. If you have please let me know about important details and what it will be like, thanks =)!!
Other - Europe - 1 Answers
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I was invited! I got home today and got read the letter. I'm really excited. If you
really want to know about other's experience type in People to People Student Ambassador program? here on yahoo answers and I promise you will get everything you need to know! I can tell you one thing, it will cost money. But after reading so many things I think it will be a great experience. Hopfeully there is a good payment or a reduce rate thing for low income families. I look them up in the BBB they had 21 conplaints in the lost 36 months but all were resovolved. I also know this program has been accrieded by MANY Presidents. I am in very intersted in this program! If you are too many we can email eachother back in forth with information?? Go to my profile here on on YAs and send me a email! I'll give you my real email address incase some idiot on here wants to spam me on any type. P.S. Have you made your resevre for the meeting??
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