Saturday, January 14, 2012
Can anyone please help a highschool student about his future?
Can anyone please help a highschool student about his future?
I am a junior in high school and I've got to start looking at colleges. I really want to move to either the Netherlands(my birthplace) or England when I get older. I live in America but I wanted to start looking at colleges in Europe. Here are my questions. 1.) Would it be easier to get a job in a foreign country if I go to college in that country? And would that college be anymore different over there than over here? 2.)Also, how does everyday life really differ in europe compared to in America
Studying Abroad - 1 Answers
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1 :
1) It depends on the field of study, the reputation of the school, and the level of degree acquired. Say an MBA from Harvard would not have a problem being hired in a foreign country, but a BA in general studies from State U would find it more difficult to accomplish. 2) It's more expensive. Food costs more, average living space is below that of the average poor person in the US, gas certainly costs way more, cars tend to be smaller. Violent crime per capita is greater, and Islamists are far more of a real and present danger. Depending on where in Europe you settle, you may need to acquire a doctor's prescription for aspirin. Your taxes will probably be higher. In general, the standard of living in Europe is below that of the US. If you settle in Europe, it should be because you enjoy the culture and environment, not because you are looking to live more comfortably or with more luxuries.
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