exchange student-europe?!?!?
well I'm an 18 year old high school senior. And I've always been interested in the whole foreign exchange student thing..and I'm just wondering where are good places for a girl like me who lives in America...(in New York actually) to go to as a foreign exchange student. I was thinking France..or the UK would be good...but how about Sweden..Finland..Denmark..Holland (Netherlands) and the such?!?!?!?
Studying Abroad - 10 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Don't go to france, they will force you to crush grapes to make wine and will add Antifreeze to the wine. You will be forced to live in a shack and sleep on a clay floor.
2 :
If you think NY is good you'll love London, it's the best city in the world.
3 :
One of my cousins did that(she lives in Europe and came to the USA); she was also 18~senior. um, sorry, I don't remember how it went with her, but there was a company that organized the whole thing; just google it and search around, you'll find something.... good luck! hope you have fun!
4 :
As an African-American women you might very well be most comfortable in Denmark. It is a sophisticated, easy-going, safe and tolerant country which got itself out of the imperialism game long ago. You will seem a bit exotic (but they will seem a bit exotic to you) but you will seldom encounter racism, which you certainly will in France, England or, sadly, Holland. You will also have the best of both worlds in going to a country which speaks a different language but where most people speak enough English that you'll have no problems getting through the day. Have fun.
5 :
You could go with Youth For Understaning, Rotary, or AFS. They all arrange the whole thing for you. There are also scholarships available.
6 :
Malta is also an option. the Maltese know english (it's their second language) and most also know Italian. other advantages: distances are short (the majority of place can be reached in half an hour with one bus trip, if you need two bus trips to arrive at your destination, it will take less than an hour. however if you want to go to the most nothern parts of the island towards the sister island of gozo it will take you an hour at maximum from the capital city because the road is a bit long there. Malta boasts of an excellent night life. there is a small town easily accesible from all localities which is specialised in night life (has many discos, bars, cinema, restaurants, karaoke, etc) - it's the 'mecca' of entertainment for over 16 mostly. the weather is good. this year it was warmer than usually like everywhere else. however generally the weather is cool and wet in winter, hot and dry in summer. there are beaches easily accessible due to the small size of the island. cost of living is not too high, about the same as Spain. that's all i guess. try to check with travel agencies to get to know more!!! hope i helped a little!!
7 :
You need to keep the language thing in mind. If you're going to study abroad, you're going to actually have to go to school- in the language of that country. You will be expected to participate in class and do the same work as everyone else (even though it doesn't count back home.) Which languages do you speak? I studied abroad in Germany, and it was fantastic, but I'd taken several semesters of German and used the exchange as an immersion to become rapidly competent in the language. If you don't speak a second language and plan to study, you need to go somewhere where the language is English- so you're probably looking at the UK, out of the choices you've been considering. Something else to think about- if you're going to have already graduated by the time you go (although a lot of people do that), why not consider becoming an au pair in another country? There are some great programs out there and you wouldn't have to attend school in a language you don't understand. I was an au pair in Spain after high school for a family with a baby, and it was a great experience. I worked mornings only and then had the rest of the day to do whatever I wanted. I took Spanish classes and spent tons of time at the beach. The great thing about au-pairing is that you're hired to speak English to the kids, so it doesn't matter if it takes you some time to learn the language. Also, you're getting paid, instead of paying tons of money to an exchange program.
8 :
Denmark is a fantastic country and there are some excellent schools there - one for business management that is great. Being an exchange student through college is the best way. High school students should check out the Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students before considering studying abroad
9 :
I went to Denmark through my college for 2 months. So check out your campus office on international study exchanges. If you get to Denmark check out the Viking ships! Plus you get credit which doesn't happen for high school exchanges.
10 :
study in UK its the best im frm london but live in da US u will love the boarding schools in London, England
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