Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What is the living cost for a student couple in Groningen, Netherlands?

What is the living cost for a student couple in Groningen, Netherlands?
I would like to know more or less which would be the montlhy budget for a couple including rent, food, transportation, etc. I would also like to know the rent for an independant apartment or house that is furnished and includes gas, electricity, etc.I am planning to go there to study and my husband is coming with me. Can somebody give me an idea of montlhy expenses? I do not want personal information, just an idea of an average sum that we would need per month.
Netherlands - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's been a few years since I moved away from Groningen .... and the euro has come in since then. If you're prepared to live in one of the outer areas like Beijum or De Wijert, you would be a lot less for accommodation than you would in, say, the Korrewegwijk. I would advise contacting the foreign student accommodation office to help you out with this. You can forget about getting a house, unless you are prepared to go quite far out of the city centre. Generally Groningen is a lot cheaper than Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague or Utrecht.
2 :
This question is quite difficult to answer. There are many types of houses you can rent and the rent depends on the size (apartment vs. 4 bedroom house), location of the property (downtown or suburb), age of the house (brand new or old) etc. Also the type of house has an impact on the utilities bill. A big house requires more gas for heating, for example. I have lived together with my ex-girlfriend in a two bedroom apartment in Maastricht. Maastricht is in the south of the Netherlands, but, on a general scale, it is comparable to Groningen (same nr of inhabitants, same sort of city centre, etc). We had to pay approx. 600 euros for the apartment, 150 euros for water, gas and electricity. 50 euros for internet and taxes such as property taxes, sewer taxes etc. Then we needed some 300 euros to buy food. Totalling 1100 euros for the two of us. Taking into account inflation and some 'safety margins', I think 1200-1300 euros per month is a reasonable guess.