Sunday, April 14, 2013

What does it mean when two women smile at me from across the table?

What does it mean when two women smile at me from across the table?
I asked this in another section but got only a few responses. I was hanging out with group of people at a restaurant. They were friends of my friend (I didn't know them). I was talking to someone next to me and we were having a great conversation. After the conversation ended, I looked around the table and saw two of her friends (both female) smiling at me. They were really attractive foreign exchange students from the Netherlands. What does this mean? How would you interpret this?
Friends - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It might mean they like you. I mean what do you do when you see a girl you like...most guys smile right? Or maybe it was something can never be sure with girls. but i'm pretty sure we do it when we like someone.
2 :
It means they were talking about you and realized you weren't listening
3 :
she was obviously telling them some pretty great stuff about you. also, foreign people have a different outlook on things. a more personable way. i wouldnt stress over it. women dont smile and wave if its something wrong. they like you and what theyve already heard. be confident.
4 :
Oh come on now. Do you need us to stroke your ego just a little more or what! You know exactly what their smile means.

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